Approval Audit Report

This report produces information regarding requests, engagements, billing items, and invoices that have less that a minimum number of approvers assigned (for example, items still in a 'Pending' status).
This report produces the following columns:
  • Default Info section
    • Approval Module
    • Request #
    • Engagement #
    • Worker Name
    • Supplier Name
    • Req/Eng Type
    • Approval ID #
    • Approval Status
    • Approval Result
    • Date Requested
    • Approval Status Date
    • Initial Amount
    • Extension Cost
    • New Total Amount
    • Approval Amount
  • General Info section
    • Req/Eng Status
    • Req/Eng Status Reason
    • Op Unit
    • Cost Center / Department
    • City
    • State/Province
    • Country
    • Job Title
    • Job Category
    • Manager
    • Manager Supervisor
    • MSP Name
    • Bill Rate
    • Pay Rate
  • Approver section
    • Final Approver
    • Approver Number
    • Approver Name
    • Actual Approver
    • Approver Email
    • Approver Limit
    • Approver Notified
    • Approver Status
    • Approver Status Date
    • Approver Action
    • Approver Comment
    • Approver Action Source
    • Routing Status
    • Auto Assign Status Reason
    • Routing Sequence
    • Budget Code
    • Funds Tracking Type
    • Budget Owner
  • Supplier Acceptance section
    • Supplier Acceptance
    • Acceptance Status
    • Acceptance Result
    • Acceptor
    • Acceptor Email
    • Acceptance Date
    • Rejection Reason
    • Supplier Comment
  • Configuration
    • Workflow Name
    • Routing Method
    • Approval Rule
    • Routing Status
    • When Routing Approve
    • Start Chain
    • Department Approver
    • Approver Field
    • End of Chain
    • Approval Limit Field
    • Skip Below Limit Approvers
    • Chain Approvers Start
    • Object
    • Mandatory Num of Approvers
    • Min # of Approvers
    • Approval Reminder Days
    • Archived
    • Active
    • Custom Client Logic
Filter Description
<department> Select the name of the department to filter by. This field is set to 'All' by default.

If a client organization has sub-departments configured, another field appears that allows you to select sub-departments of the parent department.

ManagerSelect the client manager name associated with the engagement. This field is set to 'All' by default.
Location Filter the report output by a configured client organization location. This field is set to 'All' by default.
Approval Types Filter the report output by an approval type. This field is set to 'All' by default.