Custom Field Reference Export Report

This report displays custom fields and reference values. This report is customizable.
This report outputs the following columns:
  • Default Output columns
    • Custom Field Type
    • Custom Field Name
    • Custom Field Value
    • Global - 'Yes' for global fields, 'No' for non-global fields. The Global setting is configured at the field level.

      See Custom Fields Configuration.

  • Billing Auxiliary section
    • Billing Auxiliary 1-5 - One output row per value configured in the Billing custom field reference list.
  • Requisition Auxiliary section
    • Requisition Auxiliary 1-5 - One output row per value configured in the Requisition custom field reference list.
  • Drill Down Values
    • Drill Down 1-10 - One output row per value configured in a custom field reference list drill down list.
Filter Description
Custom Field Type Select the custom field type to filter by. You can select one or many field types to filter by.
Note: Client managers can only select fields where Visible in Views = 'Clients'.
Choose from the following types:
  • Billing
  • Manager
  • Requisition
  • Supplier
  • Worker
  • Department
  • Supplier Invoice Payment
Custom Field Depending on the selection/s in the Custom Field Type field, select the custom fields to include in the report output.
Status Filter the output by the status of the custom field, 'Active', 'Inactive', or 'All' (all custom field regardless of status).