Project Tracking Detail Report

This report produces information regarding projects. It can be used to track departments, locations, workers, client managers, and suppliers.
This report produces the following output columns:
  • Summary Report output
    • Operational Unit
    • Earnings E/D - repeated for each unique combination of Billing Cost Allocation field and client manager.
    • Billing Cost Allocation Fields 1-xx - repeated for each unique combination of Billing Cost Allocation field and client manager.
    • Total
  • Detail Report output
    • Earnings E/D - repeated for each unique combination of Billing Cost Allocation field and client manager.
    • Billing Cost Allocation Fields 1-xx - repeated for each unique combination of Billing Cost Allocation field and client manager.
    • Manager
    • Operational Unit
    • Department #
    • Worker
    • Supplier
    • Total
  • Detail section for Summary and Detail reports
    • Supplier Name - One row output per unique data combination for the supplier
      • Supplier Name
      • Manager
      • Worker
      • Invoice #
      • AP Invoice #
      • Earnings E/D
      • Req #
      • Category
      • Operational Unit
      • Department #
      • Line #
      • Timecard Status
      • Rate Application Type
      • Bill Rate
      • Date Worked
      • Days
      • Regular Hours
      • OT Hours
      • DT Hours
      • PTO Hours
      • PTO Billable Hours
      • Multiple Rates
      • Piece Rates
      • Holiday Hours
      • % Allocated
      • Milestone Amount
      • Material Amount
      • Position Amount
      • Expense Amount
      • Adjustment Amount
      • Sales Tax
      • Bill Amount
      • Worker Notes
      • Product/Project (PPSID) Expense Type
      • Project Task Expense Type
      • Billable Expense Type
      • Billing Cost Allocation Fields 1-xx
      • Project Worker Eng #
Filter Description
Billing Cost Allocation Name Select Project Code or Project/Product Name from the drop down.
Billing Cost Allocation Value Depending on your selection in the Billing Cost Allocation Name filter field, select the correct billing allocation value or values to filter by.
Operational UnitFilter the report output for billing items submitted for a specific operational unit (OpUnit). This field is set to 'All' by default.
DivisionFilter the report output by a configured division. This field is set to 'All' by default.
Cost CenterFilter the report output by a configured cost center. This field is set to 'All' by default.
Work Location Select the location or locations to filter the output by. You can select multiple locations.

This field is set to 'All' by default.

WorkerEnter the name of the worker(s) whose data is included in the report. This field is set to 'All' by default.
ManagerSelect the client manager name associated with the engagement. This field is set to 'All' by default.
Supplier Select the supplier/vendor of the project workers. You can select multiple entities.

This field is set to 'All' by default.

InvoiceSelect the invoice to filter by. This field is set to 'All' by default.
Invoice OptionSelect the invoice option for the engagement. This field is set to 'All' by default. See Invoicing.
Status Select the status for the project to filter the output by. You can select multiple statuses.

This field is set to 'All' by default

Status ReasonSelect the value set in the Reason field on the engagement.
Date Type From the drop down, select the date type. You can select from the following:
  • None - Do not filter by a date
  • Earnings E/D - Filter by earnings end date
  • Invoice E/D - Filter by invoice end date

This setting is used in conjunction with From date and To date fields. You specify a date range based on the end date type.

From dateEnter the beginning date for the date range. You can also click the calendar icon to open a calendar pop up that allows you to select the date.
To dateEnter the end date for the date range. You can also click the calendar icon to open a calendar pop up that allows you to select the date.
Summarize byFrom the drop down, select how to summarize the output columns in the report.