Survey Listing Detail Report

This report provides an overview of survey listings submitted by client managers, workers, and suppliers for MSPs and engagements.
This report produces the following columns:
  • Average section
    • Supplier
    • Question 1 - x - The output includes one column for each configured question.
    • Average Score
  • Details section
    • Supplier
    • Worker
    • Requisition
    • Manager Name
    • Job Category
    • Job Title
    • Survey Type
    • Survey Submitted Date
    • Survey Sent Date
    • Question 1 - x
    • Rating 1 - x
    • Response 1 - x
    • Average Rating
    • Comments
Field Description
<survey_data_setting> Filter the report output by the type of survey completed. Use the radio buttons to select on of the following:
  • Supplier - Surveys completed by suppliers/vendors
  • Worker - Surveys completed by workers
Year Filter by the year that the survey was completed.
Quarter Filter by the year that the survey was completed.
Supplier Filter by the supplier name.
WorkerEnter the name of the worker(s) whose data is included in the report. This field is set to 'All' by default.