Worker Data Export

This report produces information regarding workers for a client organization.

This report produces the following output columns:
  • Contractor GenInfo section
    • Worker # (row)
    • Worker # (detail)
    • Document <number> - number of the document as it appears in order for the worker, for example Document 1, Document 4, and so on.
    • <document_name>
    • Received
    • Date Issued
    • Date Received
    • Date Expired
    • Note
    • WORKER#
    • Req Number - link
    • Req Number - number for detail
    • Type
    • Status
    • Operational Unit
    • Manager
    • Job Title
    • Location
    • Prefix
    • First Name
    • Middle Name
    • Suffix
    • Legal First Name
    • Legal Last Name
    • Nickname
  • Contact section
    • Email
    • Work Phone
    • Home Phone
    • Mobile Phone
    • Fax
  • Location section
    • Address1
    • Address2
    • City / Town
    • State / Province
    • Postal Code
    • Country
  • Additional Information section
    • Birth Month
    • Birth Day
  • Emergency Contact Information section
    • Name
    • Address1
    • Address2
    • City/Town
    • State/Province
    • Postal Code
    • Country
    • Email
    • Phone
    • Relationship
  • Pre-WAND Work History section
    • Original Start Date
    • Hours Worked
    • Hours Worked as of
    • Days Worked
    • Days Worked as of
  • Employment History section
    • Holiday Category
    • YourSource
    • OT Rule
    • Work Schedule
  • Do Not Use section
    • Active
    • Date
    • Reason
    • Determined By
  • Do Not Return List section
    • Date
    • Reason
    • Determined By
    • Source
    • Manager
    • Department
  • Visa/Alien Information section
    • Citizenship
    • Visa Type
    • Work Auth Expiration Date
    • Work Authorization Number
    • Work Visa Doc Name
    • Other Citizenship
    • Other Work Visa Doc Name
    • Visa Appr for Tax Exempt - If tax exempt, then 'Y', or if non-exempt, then 'N'.
    • Exempt Expr Date
    • Exempt Notes
  • Worker Custom Fields section
    • <custom_field_name> - One row per configured custom field. If fields are encrypted, then value appears as ****. If MSP or client manager running the report has the 'View Sensitive Data' on their user account, then the report outputs decrypted data.
Field Description
DivisionFilter the report output by a configured division. This field is set to 'All' by default.
Cost CenterFilter the report output by a configured cost center. This field is set to 'All' by default.
Supplier Filter the report output by the supplier/vendor for the worker. This field is set to 'All' by default.
Operational UnitFilter the report output for billing items submitted for a specific operational unit (OpUnit). This field is set to 'All' by default.
Undo WithdrawFilter by workers that have had the 'Undo Withdraw' action applied.
<job_category> Select the job categories from job category field to filter the report by.
Manager Select the client managers to filter the report by.
Work Location Select the work locations to filter the report by.
Requisition TypeSelect the engagement type. This field is set to 'All' by default.
Requisition StatusSelect the status of the engagement to report on.
Include Employee Documents Select the check box to include employee documents in the report.
Include Emergency Contact Information Select the check box to include the worker's emergency contact information.
Include Pre-Wand Work History Select the check box to include any configured pre-Wand work history. This information can be input by the MSP or by the supplier.
Include Employment Information Select the check box to include any configured pre-Wand work history. This information can be input by the MSP or by the supplier.
Include Do Not Use Select the check box to include any workers marked 'Do Not Use'.
Include Do Not Return Select the check box to include any workers marked 'Do Not Return'.
Include Requisition Information Select the check box to include a worker's engagement information in the report.
Include Visa/Alien Information Select the check box to include a worker's visa information in the report.
Include Worker Custom Fields Select the check box to include any configured worker custom fields.
Select ColumnsSelect the columns to include in the report.