Compliance Data Export

This report produces information in regard to compliance related items, filtered by supplier/vendor. For more information about compliance items, see Onboarding and Offboarding Compliance Items.
This report produces the following columns:
  • Supplier
  • Supplier #
  • Business Structure
  • Business Validation Contact
  • Income YTD
  • Income Last Yr
  • Project Amount YTD
  • Amount Last Yr
  • Escalation List - Unique list per escalation.
    • Item
    • Escalation Contact
    • Date Escalated
    • Date Resolved
    • Escalation Node
  • Document - Unique list per document.
    • Document Title
    • Document Received
    • Document Date Received
    • Document Date Issued
    • Document Date Expires
    • Document Notes
  • Insurance List - Unique list per insurance.
    • Insurance Title
    • Actual Limits
    • Insurance Received
    • Insurance Date Received
    • Insurance Date Issued
    • Insurance Date Expires
    • Insurance Note
    • AM Best Rating
    • Additional Insured
    • Alternate Employer
    • Loss Payee
    • Waiver of Subrogation
    • Additional Information
  • Question List
    • Type
    • Question
    • Response
    • Additional Info
    • Result
Filter Description
Operational UnitFilter the report output for billing items submitted for a specific operational unit (OpUnit). This field is set to 'All' by default.
Request Status Filter the report output by request status. This field is set to 'All' by default.
Engagement Status Filter the report output by engagement status. This field is set to 'All' by default.
Country Filter the report output by a configured client location country. This field is set to 'All' by default.
State/Province Filter the report output by a configured client location state or province. This field is set to 'All' by default.
City Filter the report output by a configured client location city. This field is set to 'All' by default.
Request Date Created Filter by a date range when the request was created. You can filter by the following:
  • None
  • Current Week
  • Current Month
  • Current Year
  • Previous Week (Mo-Sun)
  • Previous Calendar Month
  • Date Range (From-To)

    If you select this option, use the additional fields to configure the report date range.

  • # Days Prior To Current Day

    If you select this option, use the additional field to configure the number of days.

Engagement Start Date Filter by a date range when the engagement started. You can filter by the following:
  • None
  • Current Week
  • Current Month
  • Current Year
  • Previous Week (Mo-Sun)
  • Previous Calendar Month
  • Date Range (From-To)

    If you select this option, use the additional fields to configure the report date range.

  • # Days Prior To Current Day

    If you select this option, use the additional field to configure the number of days.

Engagement Filled Date Filter by a date range when the engagement ended. You can filter by the following:
  • None
  • Current Week
  • Current Month
  • Current Year
  • Previous Week (Mo-Sun)
  • Previous Calendar Month
  • Date Range (From-To)

    If you select this option, use the additional fields to configure the report date range.

  • # Days Prior To Current Day

    If you select this option, use the additional field to configure the number of days.

Request Closed Date Filter by a date range when the request was closed. You can filter by the following:
  • None
  • Current Week
  • Current Month
  • Current Year
  • Previous Week (Mo-Sun)
  • Previous Calendar Month
  • Date Range (From-To)

    If you select this option, use the additional fields to configure the report date range.

  • # Days Prior To Current Day

    If you select this option, use the additional field to configure the number of days.

Request Cancelled Date Filter by a date range when the request was cancelled. You can filter by the following:
  • None
  • Current Week
  • Current Month
  • Current Year
  • Previous Week (Mo-Sun)
  • Previous Calendar Month
  • Date Range (From-To)

    If you select this option, use the additional fields to configure the report date range.

  • # Days Prior To Current Day

    If you select this option, use the additional field to configure the number of days.

Request Est. End Date Filter by a date range for the estimated end date configured on the request. You can filter by the following:
  • None
  • Current Week
  • Current Month
  • Current Year
  • Previous Week (Mo-Sun)
  • Previous Calendar Month
  • Date Range (From-To)

    If you select this option, use the additional fields to configure the report date range.

  • # Days Prior To Current Day

    If you select this option, use the additional field to configure the number of days.

Engagement Actual End Date Filter by the actual end date of the engagement. You can filter by the following:
  • None
  • Current Week
  • Current Month
  • Current Year
  • Previous Week (Mo-Sun)
  • Previous Calendar Month
  • Date Range (From-To)

    If you select this option, use the additional fields to configure the report date range.

  • # Days Prior To Current Day

    If you select this option, use the additional field to configure the number of days.

Cost Center Filter the report output by a configured cost center. This field is set to 'All' by default.
Supplier Filter the report output by supplier/vender on the request/engagement. This field is set to 'All' by default.
ManagerSelect the client manager name associated with the engagement. This field is set to 'All' by default.