Customizable Approval Audit Report

This report is a comprehensive overview of approval information including status details.
This report produces the following output columns:
  • Default Info section
    • Approval Module
    • Request #
    • Engagement #
    • Worker Name
    • Supplier Name
    • Req/Eng Type
    • Approval ID #
    • Approval Status
    • Approval Result
    • Date Requested
    • Approval Status Date
    • Initial Amount
    • Extension Cost
    • New Total Amount
    • Approval Amount
  • General Info section
    • Req/Eng Status
    • Req/Eng Status Reason
    • Op Unit
    • Cost Center/Department
    • City
    • State/Province
    • Country
    • Job Title
    • Job Category
    • Manager
    • Manager Supervisor
    • MSP Name - Not displayed for budgets.
    • Bill Rate - Not displayed for budgets.
    • Pay Rate - Not displayed for budgets.
  • Approver section
    • Final Approver
    • Approver Number - 1, 2, and so on.
    • Approver Name
    • Actual Approver
    • Approver Email
    • Approver Limit
    • Approver Notified
    • Approver Status
    • Approver Status Date
    • Approver Action
    • Approver Comment
    • Approver Action Source (location)
    • Routing Status
    • Auto Assign Status Reason
    • Routing Sequence
    • Budget Code
    • Funds Tracking Type
    • Budget Owner
  • Supplier Acceptance section
    • Supplier Acceptance
    • Acceptance Status
    • Acceptance Result
    • Acceptor
    • Acceptor Email
    • Acceptance Date
    • Rejection Reason
    • Supplier Comment
  • Configuration section
    • Workflow Name
    • Routing Method
    • Approval Rule
    • Routing Starts
    • When Manager Approve
    • Start Chain
    • Department Approver
    • Approver Field
    • End of Chain
    • Approval Limit Field
    • Skip Below-Limit Approvers
    • Chain Approvers Start
    • Object
    • Mandatory Num of Approvers
    • Min # of Approvers
    • Approval Remind Days
    • Archived
    • Active
    • Custom Client Logic
  • Manager Custom Fields
  • Requisition Custom Fields
  • Department Custom Fields
Filter Description
Approval Module Filter the report output by the type of approval module used. Select form the following:
  • Request Approval
  • Engagement Approval
  • Revision Approval
  • Budget Approval

The options depend on what approval modules are configured for the client organization/OpUnit. See Approval Routing Configuration.

Approval Status Filter the report output by approval statuses. Select from the following:
  • Pending MSP Review
  • Pending Approvals
  • Pending Supplier Acceptance - Final client approver has approved and waiting for supplier action.
  • MSP Confirm Approval
  • MSP Confirm Rejection - Client or supplier has rejected, but MSP has not confirmed rejection.
  • Completed-Approved
  • Completed-Rejected
  • Completed-Cancelled
Operational UnitFilter the report output for billing items submitted for a specific operational unit (OpUnit). This field is set to 'All' by default.
MSP Filter the output by the MSP assigned to the request/engagement.
ManagerSelect the client manager name associated with the engagement. This field is set to 'All' by default.
Cost CenterFilter the report output by a configured cost center. This field is set to 'All' by default.
Country Filter the report output by the country on the request/engagement.
Engagement Number Filter the report output by specific engagement. This filter outputs all engagement approvals and revision approvals associated with the engagement number.
Request Number Filter the report output by specific request number.
Request or Engagement Type Filter the report output by a type of request or engagement. Select from the following:
  • Managed Services
  • Project
  • Project Biz Validation
  • Staffing
  • Payroll
Min/Max Amount Filter by an amount range. This is the amount approved.
Approval Workflow Filter by the approval workflow applied. Select from the following:
  • Request
  • Engagement
  • Revision
  • Budget
Approver Status Filter the report output by the approver status:
  • Pending MSP Review
  • Pending Notification
  • Pending Approval
  • Approved
  • MSP Approved
  • Delegate Approved
  • Rejected
  • MSP Rejected
  • Delegate Rejected
  • Skipped
  • Cancelled
Note: This filter only applies when approver filters are selected.
Routing Method Filter the report output by the routing method applied. Select from the following:
  • Manager
  • Manager Chain
  • Department
  • Field Link
  • Specific Person
  • Manual
  • Billing Field Link
Note: This filter only applies when approver filters are selected.
Routing Status Filter the report output by the approval routing status. Select from the following:
  • Completed
  • Failure
Note: This filter only applies when approver filters are selected.
Start Date Filter the report output by the date that the approval routing was started. You can configure a date range.