Approval Routing Configuration

You can route items as they move through the application. Routing is set up to ensure that either the funds for a request exist, and are approved before a request is filled, or that any items that are billed for a request are approved of before they are converted to invoice items.

Approvers are added given the following three scenarios:
  • System integration - If the approver data is does not exist within the application, that is, the data exists in another system, and the application retrieves the information. You can configure routing based on a field or value, and the application can retrieve the value, and route appropriately.
  • Set an approver list - If there is a configured list, then during requisition creation, you can require an approver to be selected from this list.
  • Select the approver when required - If the approver is not known at creation, you can require an approver to select the approver for a next step in the workflow.

Approval routing is configured for request types, or for billing approval. Routing is added to a workflow definition, and you can add any number of routings to a workflow. Approvals can be linked to a specific value, such as a manager's name, or to a field, such as a custom field. The value that is linked to the field is the approver that is required for the routing. For more information about adding a routing to a workflow, see Add a Routing for a Workflow.

You an configure specific rules to be used for each of the routing types. You can also use a blend of approval rules, depending on your business need.
If you modify any element of the approval routing or approval rule, then the change only applies to requests that are created after the change. They do not apply to existing requests.

Depending on the workflow set up, you assign approvers either on the Approvals page, or on the Approvals tab of the request/engagement. For more information about viewing pending approvals, see Approvals Page.

Once an approver has been added at any stage, for any of the above scenarios, they cannot be removed. Only active users can be added as approvers. Once an approval chain has been initiated, the application only prompts you to add an approver if one is missing.

All approvals are tracked through the request/engagement, and can be viewed as history.
If you are delegating client manager approvals, you must enable the Allow delegate to do approval routing on behalf of a manager setting in the client organization configuration. For more information about this setting, see Manager Settings.