Supplier Export Report

This report produces information regarding supplier account information. This information is defined in the supplier's profile. See Supplier General Information.
This report produces the following output columns:
  • Supplier #
  • Supplier Name
  • Legal Contact
  • Contact Phone
  • DBA
  • URL
  • Stock Symbol
  • Parent Supplier Name
  • Address Line 1
  • Address Line 2
  • City/Town
  • State/Province
  • Postal Code
  • Country
  • Country Registered
  • Business Structure
  • Business Classification
  • 1099 Required
  • Tax Type
  • Country Tax Identification
  • Diversity Certificate
  • Type
  • Date Issued
  • Date Expires
  • Not Tax Registered
  • Exclude Expense from Tax
  • Active - Country
  • State/Province Registered
  • State Tax Identification
  • Active - State
  • DNU Active
  • Date
  • DNU Reason
  • DNU Determined By
  • DNR Date
  • DNR Reason
  • DNR Determined By
  • Source
  • Manager
  • Department
  • Contract Type
  • Contract Service
  • Supplier #
  • Supplier Name
  • Contract Type - contract information from the job category. Click the link to expand the information per contract.
    • Contract Service
    • Contract Status
    • Contract Number
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Country
    • State/Province
    • City/Town
    • Location Status
    • Job Category
    • Tier
    • Job Category Status
  • Contract Status
  • Contract Number
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Job Number
  • YourSource
  • Supplier Custom Fields 1-xx - one row per defined custom field.
Filter Description
Supplier Name Filter the results by a supplier/vendor name.
Supplier # Filter the results by a supplier/vendor number.
Contact Type Filter the results by a supplier contract type.
Contract Status Filter the results by a contract status
Business Structure Filter the results by a supplier's/vendor's business structure.
Include Supplier Custom Fields Select the check box to include supplier type custom fields.