Supplier General Information

MSP Admin and SysAdmin users can modify the supplier's general information fields in the supplier's profile information (click ). MSP users with the 'Contract Management' permission (validators) can modify relevant areas.
All changes to section in the supplier's information are logged, and can be viewed by clicking in the header of the section.
Some of these fields are set during supplier organization creation before supplier onboarding has began. For more information about supplier onboarding, see Supplier Onboarding.
Section Setting Description
<supplier_name> Supplier ID The supplier record identifier in the application.
Legal Name The legal name of the supplier.
Created The date the supplier record was created.
Modified The last date that the supplier record was modified.
Business Validation Required If the supplier requires business validation select this check box. This setting applies to contractors (1099) that require a review of their business. If the validation workflow is not being used by the client organization, this option is disabled. For more information about the Business Validation workflow, see About Project BizVal.
Evaluation Completed If the business validation was completed or not.
Stock Symbol The supplier organization's stock symbol. This field is informational only.
Years Established The number of years that the supplier organization has been in business. This field is informational only.
Annual Avg. Income The average annual income for the supplier organization. This field is informational only.
MSP Organization The managed services provider organization that the supplier is associated with.
Supplier/vendor organizations can be associated to more than one MSP organization in the system, possibly requiring contract and tax documentation for each.
VMS System The vendor management system that the supplier uses.
Pay Agent This field determines if the MSP organization is in the payment chain.
Only applicable for independent contractors.
Contact Information (Corporate Address section) Address 1 The mailing address of the supplier corporate office.
Address 2 The secondary mailing address information of the supplier corporate office.
City The city where the supplier corporate office is located.
State/Province The state/province where the supplier corporate office is located.
Postal Code The postal code for the supplier corporate office.
Country The country where the supplier corporate office is located.
Additional Info URL The URL of the supplier's corporate website.
FAX The supplier's corporate fax number
Country Registration
This information is used to determine the supplier's taxable entity information when the VMS calculates VAT taxes.
Adding a country in this area also adds the country to the Supplier Documents page. This action adds may previously configured service lines (in any status) to the country tab.
Tax ID The supplier organization's tax identifier number for the defined country.
Second Tax ID The secondary tax identifier.
Tax Type The tax type, 'BN' (business number) or 'GST/HST' (goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax).
Business Structure The supplier's business structure, 'Corporate', 'Partnership', or 'Sole Proprietor'.
Business Classification The supplier's business classification.
1099 Required If a 1099 is required in the defined country.
Not Registered If the supplier organization is a registered business/tax entity in the defined country.
Active If the supplier organization is active in the defined country.
Tax Exempt If the supplier organization is a tax exempt business in the defined country.
Exemption Certification If the supplier organization is tax exempt, the certification identifier number.
Supplier Primary Contacts

You can create a user for this section if the information is not populated. See Create Document Management User.

MSP users with the 'Contract Management' permission can modify this area.

Country The country to where the contact is assigned. A contact can be assigned to multiple countries.
Contact Name The contact's name
Email The contact's email address
Phone# The contact's telephone number.
Preferred Language The contact's preferred language.
RFI Documents Contacts

You can create a user for this section if the information is not populated. See Create Document Management User.

MSP users with the 'Contract Management' permission can modify this area.

Country The country to where the contact is assigned. A contact can be assigned to multiple countries.
Contact Name The document contact's name
Email The document contact's email address
Phone# The document contact's telephone number.
Preferred Language The document contact's preferred language.
Country Registration - <country_name>
A tab appears for each country configured for the client organization.
Tax ID The country level text identifier for the supplier. This is informational only, and can be used for tax reporting.
Tax Type The tax identifier type for the supplier, FEIN or SSN.
Business Structure The supplier's business structure type.
Business Classification The supplier's business classification.
1099 Required If a 1099 is required for the supplier.
Not Registered Denotes if the supplier organization is not registered as a business in the country for the contract, but are still available for sourcing requests.
DBA The supplier's business name, if it is doing business under a different name.
Active If this section of the supplier contract is active.
Country Registration -State/Province Tax ID The state/province level tax identifier for the supplier.
Tax Type The state/province level tax identifier type for the supplier, SEIN or SSN.
State The state for the supplier.
Active If this section of the supplier contract is active.
Country Registration - Supplier Diversity

Certifications can be accessed in supplier reports.

You can add multiple certificates for a supplier. The System Admin permission is required for this task. For more information about adding certificates, see Add Diversity Certificate for Supplier.

Certificate The diversity certificate for the supplier.
Type The type of certificate.
Date Issued The date that the diversity certificate was issued.
Date Expired The date that the diversity certificate expired.
Direct Deposit
This information is entered into the application by a supplier user with Direct Deposit permission. For more information about this permission, see Supplier User Permissions.
The history functionality allows you to view both MSP and Supplier user changes. To view all change history, on the history pop up, click Legacy History.
Bank Name The name of the bank where the supplier's bank account is held.
Account Name The name of the supplier's bank account.
Account Number The supplier's bank account number.
Routing Number The supplier's bank routing number.
Remittance The email address to send remittance messages to. If this field is blank, the application sends emails to the default email in the supplier contract.
Clients The clients for the supplier that use the direct deposit method.
Assigned Payments If the direct deposit payments are active to the supplier organization.
Entered By The name of the supplier user that entered the direct deposit information.
Custom Fields <custom_field_name> One field per Supplier type custom field. To enter/modify values in this section, click .
BVA Information Information regarding the latest validation. Only appears if Business Validation is active.
Description of Services Free text that describes the services of the supplier/vendor. Only appears if Business Validation is active.
Client Experiences Free text that describes client experiences. Only appears if Business Validation is active.
Worker Info The worker assigned to the client in the experience. Only appears if Business Validation is active.