Supported Requisition Types
The application supports the following requisition types:
- Staffing-Recruited - Requisitions are forwarded to suppliers to identify a temporary worker for a client organization's staffing need(s). The client engages the worker for a temporary staffing assignment.
- Staffing-Referred - Requisitions are used to engage a worker that has been referred by a client manager for a temporary staffing assignment. Generally, these are workers who are sourced directly by the client manager and payrolled by Magnit, where Magnit is the employer of record.
- Project Requisitions - Created when a client organization has a project assignment with a defined scope of work, and needs an independent contractor/business entity to complete a specific deliverable.
- Managed Services - Requisitions used for headcount tracking when the client organization wants to have visibility into the resource, but manages the contract and downstream financials outside of the application.
- Biz Val (Business Validation) - Requisitions used for the vetting of independent contractors to validate compliance and safe engagement.
The types of requests/engagements that you make are dependent on your
client organization's configuration. Your configuration must be set up and tested for
each request type before you can make requests. For more information about
configuration, contact your Program Representative.
The labels for request types
can be customized for your client organization. This can change the title of the
request type through out the application.