Billing Detail View

The Billing Detail view displays general information about the engagement, and specific information about the billing line item.

If any documentation is attached to the submitted billing (for example, receipts), you can view it by clicking the link in the Attachments section in the detail list.

Table 1. General Information
Section Description
Engagement Displays general information about the engagement.
Billing Information Displays general information about the submitted billing line.
Financials Displays a general view and totals of financial information, such as the amount billed for the period, and expense and adjustment totals.
Table 2. Detail List
Section Description
Billing Notes Displays any notes added to the billing.
<details> Displays specific details for the submitted billing. Total number of units submitted displays at the bottom of the list. This information displays as follows:
  • TIME - Displays a breakdown of the information, depending on the work schedule configuration. For example, if the work schedule is weekly, and the rate application is hourly, this section displays a day (Monday, Tuesday, and so on) section with the number of hours submitted for that day.

    You can click each section card to open the time details for that day.

  • EXPENSE - Displays a day section for the submitted expense. You can modify the details of a submitted expense by clicking . For more information about modifying expenses, see Add an Expense.