Worker Profile
The Profile page displays all sensitive information for a worker. This information includes personal and professional information. Internal (payroll) workers have permission to edit their information at any time in the system. Internal worker's information is maintained by their employer of record (supplier/vendor). Requests to modify this information should be directed to the supplier/vendor.
Personal and account information for a worker. Contains the following sections:
- Personal - The worker's name.
- Contact - The worker's contact information, including email address.
- Permanent Residence Address - The worker's permanent mailing address.
- Account - The worker's system account information. This includes the ability to modify the worker's username and language preferences. See the following:
- Password Recovery Options - Allows a worker to access the Password Recovery automation feature, allowing the worker to update and recover their password if it's lost.
Payroll Data
Includes general information that appears in the user profile, but is editable by a payrollee. See Payroll Data.
Diversity Information
Includes your answers to the diversity questionnaire that you filled out. You can
toggle the client organization's country location to access the answers from that
Questionnaires are individual per location.