Payroll Data

This tab only appears for payroll workers. Workers have permission to edit their personal information.

Some of the information on this page is required, and some is general information only, and fields can be left blank.

When editing any worker data, users are required to add a reason in the Justification field, and the date that changes take effect in the Effective Date field. The effective date is used to display historical changes with the History functionality. To view changes, click the 'History' link at the top of the top section card. The history page for that tab (General, Tax, or Payment) opens. Clicking each effective date tile on the right of the cards loads the values saved on that date.

Section Field Description
General First Name The worker's first name
Last Name The worker's last name
Legal First Name The worker's legal first name
Legal Last Name The worker's legal last name
Middle Initial The worker's middle initial, if they have a middle name.
Gender The worker's stated gender. This field is used for worker benefits.
Prefix The worker's prefix, if one exists.
Birthday The worker's date of birth
Suffix The worker's suffix, if one exists.
Nick Name The worker's nick name.
Email The worker's email address
Work Phone The worker's work telephone number
Mobile Phone The worker's mobile telephone number
Home Phone The worker's home telephone number
Fax The worker's fax machine number
Name The name of the worker's emergency contact person
Phone The telephone number of the worker's emergency contact person
Address 1 The address of the worker's emergency contact person
Address 2 The secondary address information of the worker' emergency contact person, for example, apartment number.
City/Town The city or town for the address of the worker's emergency contact person
State/Province The state or province for the address of the worker's emergency contact person
Postal Code The postal code for the address of the worker's emergency contact person
Country The country of the address for the worker's emergency contact person
Relationship The relationship of the emergency contact person to the worker
Address Line 1 The worker's address
Address Line 2 The worker's secondary address information
City/Town The city or town for the worker's address
State/Province The state or province for the worker's address
Postal Code The postal code for the worker's address
Country The country for the worker's address
Mailing Address Setting for the worker's mailing address. When editing this section, use the toggle switch to set the mailing address as the same stated on the Residential Address card, or toggle off if the address is different. If different, enter the address details.

The mailing address is used for communications and to send tax documentation.

Tax Federal Tax Section This information is used on the worker's W-4 withholdings form. Editing this section allows you to modify your withholdings, change your filing status, and provide an electronic signature.

You can find more information about the W-4 here:

State Tax Section This information is used by a state tax board to determine withholdings and allowances. Editing this section allows you to modify your withholdings, change your filing status, and provide an electronic signature.
Payment Payment Details Section This information determines the payment method for the worker. Worker's can choose direct deposit, physical payment mailed to a mailing address, or a payment card.

If a worker elects for direct deposit, they must provide bank information (routing number, account number, and so on). Worker can route payments to multiple accounts by specifying the percentage of each payment sent for each account on a determined payment date.

Workers must electronically sign this section to enable changes.
Setting a payment method to 'Inactive' cancels payments.