Supplier Guide

Features and functions available in the Supplier view

The Supplier view allows contracted vendors to manage request/engagement information entered into the system by client organizations. All billing item review, request review, and worker management tasked to a vendor is completed in the Supplier view.

It is important to note that not all workflows are available to users in the Supplier view. Depending on the permissions added to your user account, you might not be able to access all functions described in this user guide. The two functional categories driven by these permissions are:
  • Ability to create requests and submit candidates (Vender On Premises role)
  • Ability to submit candidates, manage approvals, and submit quotes for project requests (Standard role)

Other abilities include managing payments/bank information and managing organizational information. Contact your system administrator if you need to modify permissions on a user account.

Data available to a supplier is segregated by client organization and operational unit. Suppliers only view data for requests that are sourced to their organizations, and workers that are associated to their organizations. If workers assigned to an engagement are sourced from different vendor organizations, only the workers added for that vendor are available to view.

Data is also displayed to the supplier based on the agreement that you configure. Agreements can be created the determine which job titles in which locations are available for supplier to submit to. For more information about supplier agreements, Supplier Documents.

Upon request creation, the vendor is managed in the Sourcing area of the request. Options for the display of vendors and associated data are managed in the client organization's Sourcing configuration. For more information about vendor sourcing options, see Sourcing Configuration.

Sourcing options available to the client organization include the following:
  • Source the request to the supplier population - Notify all contracted suppliers (active agreement for request type). The supplier population can be filtered during the notification process by interval using, for example, tiering.
  • Select a specific supplier - Locate the supplier in the Sourcing section of the request, and select that supplier to notify. You can also (if enabled), you can add the supplier's contact information directly.
    If the supplier does not exist in the system, you must create the supplier record and the supplier agreement, and associate it with the supplier organization.
  • Select a specific worker - Add a specific worker. You can enter the worker's contact information (if known), or search the system for the worker's name (if in the system). Adding an existing worker from a supplier organization, then the supplier is notified. If the worker does not exist in the system, the engagement is converted to a payroll request/engagement. A payroll agreement is required for this workflow. For more information about payroll engagements, see Payroll Engagements in the System.
  • Source the worker through a talent pool integration - Resumes can be added to a request using Talent Network or DirectSource.
Not all options are available for all request/engagement types. For all available sourcing options, see the section relevant request type.

Your organization is notified when the client organization selects your organization with an existing active agreement. Notifications come in the form of emails, or application level notifications, such as pending requests on your Home page.

The Supplier view is organized into the following pages: