Daily Timecard

The Daily timecard is a daily time entry interface where a worker confirms that they worked that day. If not, then they confirm the reason for not working.

  • Worked or Day Off selection only. No hourly entry.
  • You can mark days or periods as 'Did Not Work' if you did not work any hours on some timecards. See Did Not Work.
  • You can add notes to this timecard type.
  • This timecard includes notes added by a manager, or notes added because the time was rejected.


Only the Daily 1 timecard has allocations.

  • Allocation is added for each day as a percentage of the day.
  • Time allocation is entered as a percentage of time spent.
  • Additional fields can be added to the Allocation section that are used to enter additional information on time spent.
  • Multiple allocations can be added for a timecard (for example, 20% on one project, 80% on another project in the day).