New Billing for Worker

You add billing for work completed, or expenses incurred directly tied to a requisition. Adjustments can also be added if a worker is missing hours, or incorrectly enters time on a timesheet. All information for the billing should be added to the billing configuration. Once rebilling is submitted, it is moved to a 'Pending' status. Approvals may be required based on the client organization's Approval Routing workflow configuration.

Suppliers can only enter billing types that are enabled in the supplier's service type agreement (General Information section. See Supplier Agreements.

It should be noted that workers, the service providers (MSP), or client managers can enter billing. You may not be required to add billing for engagements. You care required to have permission to add billing set on your user account as well.
The 'Payroll Processing' permission is required on the supplier's user account to add billing.