CB Reconciliation

This report is used by the PRO Unlimited Back Office team to reconcile Wand billing data against the PeopleSoft ERP system. The report can also be used to verify an up or down fee, volume or prompt pay discounts, and timecard calculations.
This report produces the following columns:
  • Supplier
  • Worker
  • Requisition #
  • Currency
  • Line #
  • Pay Rate
  • Bill Rate
  • Mark Up
  • Rate Application Type
  • Earnings E/D
  • Milestones
  • Materials
  • Position
  • Days
  • Regular Hrs
  • OT Hours
  • DT Hours
  • Holiday Hrs
  • Expenses
  • OT Multiplier
  • DT Multiplier
  • Holiday Multiplier
  • Rule Description
  • GST Amount
  • CGST Amount
  • SGST Amount
  • IGST Amount
  • MSP CGST Amount
  • MSP SGST Amount
  • MSP IGST Amount
  • HST Amount
  • QST Amount
  • RST Amount
  • PST Amount
  • MSP GST Amount
  • MSP HST Amount
  • MSP QST Amount
  • MSP RST Amount
  • MSP PST Amount
  • Sup VAT/Service Tax
  • Adjustment
  • Raw Bill
  • Volume Disc %
  • Volume Disc Amt
  • Prompt Pay %
  • Prompt Pay Amt
  • MSP Up %
  • MSP Up Amt
  • Bill To Client
  • MSP Down %
  • MSP Down Amt
  • Pay Supplier
  • Grand Total
Field Description
Invoice Filter the report output by billing items that appear on a specific invoice.
Optional Columns Select optional columns to include in the report output.
Summarize byFrom the drop down, select how to summarize the output columns in the report.