Candidates Tab

These actions/fields appear on the Candidates tab for requests.

The dashboard data in the Candidates area displays totals for all candidate activity on the request. You can use the Search Candidates field to locate any submitted candidates (search on a specific tab). You can sort the columns in the search results similar to the columns that appear in the tab by default.
The search can be useful in locating duplicate candidates submitted to the request.

You can also add candidates to a request if you have the worker's name and contact information. For more information about adding candidates, see Request Candidate Not Shown.

You can perform actions for a worker (assign to a position, reject a resume, and so on) on the candidate's profile page. For more information about taking these actions, and fields on the profile page, see Candidate Profile.

Action/Field Description
Use the sub tabs at the top of the section to toggle between different views:
  • Reviewing - All candidates ('Pending', 'New') that are submitted by suppliers or MSPs.

    Payrollee candidates only appear on this tab once their profiles are added to the system by an MSP.

  • Interviewing - All candidates that are invited to interview. For more information about interviews, see Candidate Interviews. If a request is closed, then all pending interviews are automatically cancelled.
    Candidates with cancelled interviews remain on the Interviewing sub tab.
  • Rejected/Withdrawn - All candidates that are rejected by the MSP or the client manager. You can reverse a rejected candidate by clicking Undo Rejection. The action adds the candidate to the Reviewing tab. If the request is closed, then all unassigned candidates are set to 'Not Assigned' and added to this sub tab.
    Candidates that are rejected/withdrawn by an MSP when the candidate is in the 'MSP Review' status do not appear on this sub tab.
  • Rejected/Withdrawn - All candidates that are rejected or withdrawn by the MSP or the client manager. The action adds the candidate to the Reviewing tab. If the request is closed, then all unassigned candidates are set to 'Not Assigned' and added to this sub tab.

  • Assigned - Displays candidates that are assigned to positions defined in the request (status = 'Assigned'). The engagement number is added in this sub tab.

The number of candidates within each sub tab displays next to the tab name.

To access each tab, click the sub tab button.

Click to compare candidates based on their Match Score data. You must first select more than one submitted candidate.
Rejects all selected candidates.
Opens the Select Interview Details pop-up to configure an interview request with selected candidates. For more information about this task, see Request an Interview with a Candidate.
Allows you to add a worker to the request. You can search workers in the system, or you can configure a worker record for a supplier. If you add a worker, you must associate the worker with a supplier.

To add a worker, click . In the pop-up, you can use following methods:

  • Search for the worker - Add the worker's name or email to search, and press Return/Enter. From the search results, click .
  • Add Worker - Click and provide the information described in theWorkers Page.
    This method adds a worker to a supplier organization, not the client organization.
If the MSP is required to review candidates before they are visible to the client manager, click to accept the candidate. This action might not be visible, depending on the client organization configuration.

The MSP Passed field (Resume GenInfo) displays the date that you took this action for a resume.

For candidates with active interview requests, click to modify the interview details.
The action pop-up allows you to complete the following actions:
  • Assign - Assigns a candidate to the request, converting it to an engagement.
  • Cancel Interview - Cancels the scheduled interview with the candidate. If you cancel the interview, you are prompted to add a justification.
  • Candidate Details - Opens the Resume view, with submitted rates and supplier contact information. In this view, you are able to assign/withdraw/reject a candidate, request an interview, and attach files to the candidate's record in the request.
  • Confirm Interview - If a supplier sets up an interview, click to confirm the interview. The interview notification is not sent until the interview is confirmed.
  • Reject - Reject the candidate.
  • Request Interview - Opens the interview pop up to configure an interview with the candidate. For more information about setting up interviews, see Request an Interview with a Candidate.
  • Withdraw - Withdraw the candidate.