Candidate Profile

The Candidate Profile page displays all relevant candidate information.

Sections can be expanded/collapsed using the arrow icons in the header for each section. If one or more candidates appears on a sub tab (for example, 'Reviewing'), and you access the profile from that sub tab, then you can navigate between the profiles by clicking the candidate name (blue text) in the left hand panel. You can also navigate between pages of candidates in this panel by using the arrow icons.

The following table describes the sections on the page.
If you are accessing a candidate profile from the Candidates tab, a sidebar with navigation the sub tab name, and additional candidates displays. If you are accessing a profile from the Review Talent page, only the selected candidate profile displays.
Sections that do not have data do not display.
Some sections (for example, Military History) do not display unless they are required worker information by your client organization.
You can take the same actions as well as additional MSP actions for a candidate in the request (Request > Candidates).
Candidate Details Displays candidate address and contact details. Also contains links to a worker's external profile information and portfolio (if applicable).

If your client organization has enabled the Forward Resume functionality, you can click the Forward icon, and send the candidates resume via email. A pop up opens to configure the email message.

A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

After configuring the email, click Send.

This option must be enabled for a client organization. For more information about enabling resume forwarding, see Staffing Settings.

Rates Displays rate information for the submitted candidate.
Hiring Activity Displays the current candidate status, and the submission information for the candidate's resume record.

This section also displays interview activity.

You can add a text note to this section by clicking Add Internal Note. The note text is only viewable to you (account that entered the note. After entering your comments, click Save.
The maximum character limit is 800.
Worker Custom Fields

Displays any client configured custom fields. This field might be encrypted depending on the setting in the client organization's configuration. You can view decrypted custom field values if you have the 'View Sensitive Data' permission set on your MSP user account. See MSP User Permissions.

Supplier Info Displays the supplier information that submitted the candidate profile.
Submitted Resume Displays the submitted documentation for a candidate. Files can be resumes, or additional supporting documentation.

You can download files by clicking on the icon for the document.

Previous Engagements Displays a list of previous engagements with the client organization.
Interview List Displays interview activity for the request.
Summary Displays the worker's resume summary.
Skills Highlights the skills and number of years of experience with each skill highlighted in the submitted resume.

The top 5 skills for the worker appear in the top section.

Experience Displays the worker's work experience, as listed on their respective resume.
Education Displays the worker's education, as listed on their respective resume. Only the most recent degree in the most recent major is listed.
Languages Displays the languages that the worker can speak, read, and write. Each proficiency has a marked check box.
These fields are not editable.
Certifications and Licenses Displays any licenses or certifications (and their dates). Any information in this section is submitted by the supplier, and is relevant to the open position.
Military History Displays a worker's military service history.
Publications Displays any publications (and their publishing dates) authored by the worker.