Review Project Quotes

Once quotes are submitted by vendors for your project, you can review the quote details.
  1. Click .
    You can also scroll to the Requests section on the Home page.
  2. Click the row for the project request. The row highlights blue when you hover over it.
    You can use the search functionality to locate the project request. Enter text that describes the project to automatically filter the table.
  3. On the Quotes tab, select the quote to review. The row highlights blue when you hover over it.
  4. Review the quote details. You can do one of the following:
    • Accept - Clicking this button accepts the quote. The request is converted to an engagement.
      If you are using the Approval Routing module, the approval workflow must be completed before the request is converted to an engagement, depending on the workflow.
    • Reject - Clicking this button rejects the submitted quote. A pop up allows you to select a reason for rejecting the quote, and whether you want to send the quote back to the supplier/vendor for revision.