
Reporting allows you to access data within the application and produce an assortment of reports for your client organization. You can use the reporting functionality for any number of business purposes.

The application reporting platform includes two sets of reports, standard and customizable.

Standard reports include filters and settings that allow you to only include values for a specific data set. These reports have default outputs that can be narrowed in smaller sets for a more unique data perspective. Customizable reports (for example, the Customizable Approval Audit Report) also include report filters, but additionally organize output columns by data set, an automated report generation schedule function, and export functionality to the application's SFTP server.

Customizable reports can also be renamed and saved. All modifications to the customizable report (for example, re-ordering output columns due to business requirements) are saved and can be accessed when the report is re-run. For more information about customization, see Customize and Run a Report.

You can add reports to the My Reports section. This view is individual to your account, and enables you to locate and run any of your commonly used reports for the client organization. To add reports to this section, click the star icon next to the report name (). Search functionality on the Reporting page also allows you to locate reports. Using the search field, enter text describing the report and use the filter options/drop downs, and click enter/return. The tables filter to display search results.

To run the report, click .

To run a standard report, configure the required settings, and filter for the information that you require in the report output. Use the History link in the Report Library to view previously ran reports. You can export the report output as a file from this view.

If you need a field added to a report's output that is not available in the standard or optional output columns, contact your Program Representative. These new fields can include existing field, or new fields calculated from existing values.

After reports are generated, you can export the output in different formats. You can export the following:
  • Excel Workbook - Export a .xls file.
    The file opens in Microsoft® Excel. You must save the file in a valid Excel format to preserve file features.
  • CSV - Export a .csv file.
  • PDF - Export a .pdf file.
You can view the export history from the Report page. To view the history, click in the menu. Clicking the timestamps in the Export Report pop up exports the version of the report generated on that date/time.
The application automatically inserts the client organization's name in the header of standard report pages.

Available Reports