User Record

The user record in the application contains all information about the user, and additional information about the user's role, account, and notification preferences. The following are the common sections of a user record:
  • <Name> - Contains the user's personal information. Contact information (email address, telephone number) are also configured in this section. This information is effective dated.
  • Account Information - Contains the user information for their application account. This information includes their role within the application, their username, and login/security information.
    You need the appropriate permissions to view login/security information.
  • Configuration - Contains the views, access type, and client organizations/operational units that the user is associated with.
  • Departments - Applicable to Client Manager users only. Contains the departments that the manager is assigned to.

    If a client manager requires the ability to add any department to a request, you can set the Assign All Active Departments check box. This allows the client manager view capabilities for all active departments in the client organization. If any departments are added and made active for the client organization, they are automatically available to the client manager with this active setting.

  • Business Organizations - Lists the business organizations and operational units that a client manager user is associated with. When the manager views data in the Manager view, they have access to view details in all of the organizations that they have configure on their accounts. To add an applicable business organization, click , and configure the operational unit (if required) and department information.
  • Permissions - Contains the specific permissions for the user, based on the user type. For more information about the user permissions based, see the following reference information:
  • Associated Delegate List - Applicable to Client Manager users only. Contains a list of client managers within the client organization that can act on the behalf of the client manager for billing and requisition management functions. For more information about delegating actions, see Delegation.
  • Custom Fields - Applicable to Client Managers only. Contains configured custom fields of the Manager type. This information does not affect the application logic, and is only used for billing/reporting. For more information about custom fields, see Custom Fields Configuration.
  • Email Preferences - Applicable to Client Managers only. Contains the conditions for which emails are send, based on function within the application.
  • Email Notification Settings - Contains the conditions for when notes are added for a module type. For more information about enabling notes, see Notes and Notifications.