MSP User Permissions

This table describes the permissions that can granted to an MSP user in a client organization.
Permission Role Description
Billing Client Service/Finance User has access to the billing configuration and billing items. Without this permission, user can only view a client billing configuration.

User has the ability to add new billing items for a client, approve pending items, and force billing items into a 'pending invoicing' status. User can also edit supplier's general information (Supplier GenInfo) if MSP user belongs to a Magnit Global-affiliated MSP organization. For more information about this setting, see General Info.

For more information about the billing process, see Billing Process Overview.

User can edit Adjustment type billing items that were submitted by a supplier/vendor.

Without this permission, the user is only able to estimate cost allocation, and send reminders to approvers for pending billing items.
Users with this permission can create adjustment timecards for workers that have entered 'Did Not Work' for either an entire work week, or any period in the timecard.
Payroll Client Service/Finance User has access to the billing configuration and billing items, including invoicing. Without this permission, user can only view a client billing configuration.

User can add billing items for the client.

User can view and edit a client organization's allocations and approvals configuration.

Payroll Manager (Includes Payment Control) Client Service/Finance User has access to the billing configuration and billing items, including invoicing. Without this permission, user can only view a client billing configuration.

User can view and edit a client organization's allocations and approvals configuration.

User can view and edit the Payment Option on the Worker tab.

This permission cannot be assigned to an MSP user with the 'Supplier Management' permission assigned.
Client Service User can create, edit, and view supplier information for suppliers that require business validation (Screening tab on a Project Business Validation request).
If the user belongs to a Magnit-affiliated MSP organization, the user can create a supplier agreement between an existing supplier and a client organization. This is the case when a supplier organization is not created at the client organization level. To add an agreement, click on the Supplier tab, and then enter the supplier's information in the configuration field. When the creation task fails (duplicate name found), click the supplier name to load the supplier information, then click Agreements > .
You can only complete this task if the supplier organization has the Supplier Requires Business Validation check box selected in General Info. Only Magnit-affiliated MSP Organizations can modify this setting. For more information about this setting, see General Info.
On/Off Boarding Configuration Client Service User can configure onboarding or offboarding items for a client organization. For more information about MSP onboarding and offboarding actions, see On/Off Boarding Dashboard.
Edit Email Templates Client Service User can edit existing email templates for a client location, and control to the conditions for sending email notifications. For more information about email templates, see Email Templates.
Discovery Access Client Service/Finance Not applicable
MicroStrategy Designer Client Service/Finance Not applicable
MicroStrategy Consumer Client Service/Finance Not applicable
View Sensitive Data Client Service/Finance User can view unencrypted custom field information.

User can view decrypted offsite worker location information (address) in the MSP view. Fields are still encrypted in reporting.

User can view decrypted Worker custom field data on a candidate record for a request. See Candidate Profile.

DirectSource Curator Client Service Allows MSP user ('Curator') to access the Direct Sourcing application from the VMS. This permission does not automatically create a user account in the Direct Sourcing application.
Supplier Management
This permission cannot be assigned to an MSP user with the 'Compliance' permission assigned.
Client Service User can create/edit a supplier organization.

User can add/update supplier agreement to the supplier organization. See Supplier Agreements.

Supplier Onboarding

See Agreements and RFI Documents.

Client Service User can edit the Supplier Primary Contact in the Supplier General Info section (Supplier Profile).

User can start/complete onboarding at the supplier organization level.

User can trigger eSign workflow.

User can upload documents.

User can review/validate/reject/revoke documents.

RFI Configuration

See Agreements and RFI Documents.

Client Service User can create/edit configuration for contracts, RFIs and work orders at the client and supplier organization levels.
Finance Configuration Finance User can edit invoice document templates. See Customizable Invoice Templates.