Configure Financials for an Engagement

After adding workers to a payroll request, configure the engagement financial details. Note that some of the data that appears on this page is pulled from the individual worker's records.
  1. Navigate to the Home page in the MSP view.
  2. Click Engagements.
  3. Locate the engagement in the table and click the Requisition Number.
    You can filter the table by clicking the Payroll tile. You can also use the search functionality to locate the engagement. For more information about using the search, see Engagement Advanced Search Options.
  4. Click Details.
  5. In the Financials section for the engagement, click Edit.
  6. Configure the required fields for the engagement.
    A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
    If the engagement uses piece rates, you can add rates that were not added during the request creation. You can also deactivate a piece rate from an active engagement.

    To add a piece rate, click Add New, then select the configured piece rate from the drop down. For more information about configuring piece rates for a client organization, see Modify the Piece Type Configuration.

    To deactivate an added rate (removing it as an option for selection on a time card, deselect the Active check box.

  7. Click .
    A beige header indicates that the section is modified.

  8. Review the details for accuracy.
  9. Click .