Staffing Requests

One of the main features of the application is creating and managing staffing request data for the client organization. In context, this is the workflow for defining all work parameters (length of time, skill/education requirements, and so on), as well as any legal requirements that the client organization must have in place to use a contingent workforce.
The data requirements for a Staffing request are different than that of a Project request. For more information about project requests, see Project Engagements in the Application.

The main data input for a staffing request is the job details data, which are the parameters for the job. This is the job category, and the job title/job code if you are using a Staffing request. Job categories are defined at the client organization level (Configuration > Requisition > Job Categories), and tied to the supplier agreement. For more information about supplier agreements for the job category and location, see Supplier Agreements.

For Staffing requests, the job titles and job codes are defined in the Market Rate Module (Configuration > MRM > Job Titles). Each title is configured with a job code, job description, required skills, educational requirements, and so on. These fields automatically populate when the job title is selected for the staffing request, are required for submission, and you might be able to edit the configured data at the request level, depending on your permissions. For more information about settings tied to the submission requirements, see Client Settings.

Each job request is considered independent of the request template after creation, and can be edited to suit a particular business need. In context, this means when you select a job title, the data populates in the request record. If you have permissions, you can change the data for that particular request record, as needed.

The other main data input for a request is the candidate/worker record. This is the worker data in the system that is associated to the staffing request. Only candidates associated with the request can be considered for fulfillment.

The staffing workflow begins when a client manager or MSP creates the request, and selects request job parameters. After the request information is completed, the sourcing information is sent to the selected suppliers.

Some parameters must be set up prior to creating a request.
After the request details are completed and confirmed, the request is assigned a status, defined as the following:
  • Draft - Request details are being added, and requests not submitted.
  • Pending - Request is submitted, and pending action is required. This includes approvals, sourcing, and so on.
  • On Hold - Request is submitted, is paused.
  • Closed - Request is filled (all positions in the request are filled)
  • Cancelled - Request is cancelled prior to fulfillment. Reasons include failed auxiliary processes (for example, compliance), or the request was withdrawn/recalled.
You can use the Bulk Upload functionality to create and fill large amounts of engagements. The functionality uses an upload template populated with data. For more information about bulk upload, see Bulk Upload.
You can specify a specific client manager for surveys once the engagement is in the 'Pending' status. For more information about surveys, see Survey.