Project Requests

If a client organization has a specific project and budgeting in mind, instead of hiring individual workers for specific tasks, you can use a Project request/engagement. The Project request type uses job parameters in a broader sense, and allows venders to bid on the work as a whole, or bill based on work completed. For more information about creating a project request, see Create a Project Request.

You can only engage with agencies (suppliers) that have a project agreement defined, and you also have to enable the Project request type for the client organization.

You can generate documentation for the project using a statement of work (SOW) template. This document is pre-created, associated with an OpUnit, a job category, and attached to the engagement when the request is filled. You can configure information to be automatically inserted into the document using the template configuration. For more information about configuring a template, see Configure an SOW Template.
You can manage revisions and approvals for a agreement using the Approval Routing functionality. For more information about revision routing, see Revision Settings.

SOW documents can be automatically routed to a recipient to be signed electronically (eSign), or can be stored as data with the engagement, depending on the client organization's configuration. You must enable the eSign functionality at the client country level, and in the parent client configuration.

If the client organization wants to track project worker engagements separately from the project engagement, you can create child worker engagements. For more information about project worker engagements, see Project Worker Engagements.

You can use the Bulk Upload functionality to create and fill large amounts of engagements. The functionality uses an upload template populated with data. For more information about bulk upload, see Bulk Upload.
You can specify a specific client manager for surveys once the engagement is in the 'Pending' status. For more information about surveys, see Survey.