Worker Data Export
This report produces information regarding workers for a client organization.
This report produces the following output columns:
- Contractor GenInfo section
- Worker # (row)
- Worker # (detail)
- Document <number> - number of the document as it appears in order for the worker, for example Document 1, Document 4, and so on.
- <document_name>
- Received
- Date Issued
- Date Received
- Date Expired
- Note
- Req Number - link
- Req Number - number for detail
- Type
- Status
- Operational Unit
- Manager
- Job Title
- Location
- Prefix
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Suffix
- Legal First Name
- Legal Last Name
- Nickname
- Contact section
- Work Phone
- Home Phone
- Mobile Phone
- Fax
- Location section
- Address1
- Address2
- City / Town
- State / Province
- Postal Code
- Country
- Additional Information section
- Birth Month
- Birth Day
- Emergency Contact Information section
- Name
- Address1
- Address2
- City/Town
- State/Province
- Postal Code
- Country
- Phone
- Relationship
- Pre-WAND Work History section
- Original Start Date
- Hours Worked
- Hours Worked as of
- Days Worked
- Days Worked as of
- Employment History section
- Holiday Category
- YourSource
- OT Rule
- Work Schedule
- Visa/Alien Information section
- Citizenship
- Visa Type
- Work Auth Expiration Date
- Work Authorization Number
- Work Visa Doc Name
- Other Citizenship
- Other Work Visa Doc Name
- Visa Appr for Tax Exempt - If tax exempt, then 'Y', or if non-exempt, then 'N'.
- Exempt Expr Date
- Exempt Notes
- Worker Custom Fields section
- <custom_field_name> - One row per configured custom field. If fields are encrypted, then value appears as ****. If MSP or client manager running the report has the 'View Sensitive Data' on their user account, then the report outputs decrypted data.
Field | Description |
Division | Filter the report output by a configured division. This field is set to 'All' by default. |
Cost Center | Filter the report output by a configured cost center. This field is set to 'All' by default. |
Undo Withdraw | Filter by workers that have had the 'Undo Withdraw' action applied. |
<job_category> | Select the job categories from job category field to filter the report by. |
Manager | Select the client managers to filter the report by. |
Work Location | Select the work locations to filter the report by. |
Requisition Type | Select the engagement type. This field is set to 'All' by default. |
Requisition Status | Select the status of the engagement to report on. |
Include Employee Documents | Select the check box to include employee documents in the report. |
Include Emergency Contact Information | Select the check box to include the worker's emergency contact information. |
Include Pre-Wand Work History | Select the check box to include any configured pre-Wand work history. This information can be input by the MSP or by the supplier. |
Include Employment Information | Select the check box to include any configured pre-Wand work history. This information can be input by the MSP or by the supplier. |
Include Requisition Information | Select the check box to include a worker's engagement information in the report. |
Include Visa/Alien Information | Select the check box to include a worker's visa information in the report. |
Include Worker Custom Fields | Select the check box to include any configured worker custom fields. |
Select Columns | Select the columns to include in the report. |