Rejected Billing Report
This report produces information regarding all time adjustments, project items, and
expense entries that are rejected by a client manager.
This report produces the following
output columns:
- Worker
- Requisition #
- Requisition Type
- Operational Unit
- Manager
- Location
- Supplier
- Line #
- Day
- Start
- End
- Hours
- Lunch
- Currency
- Expenses
- Worker Notes
- Rejected Notes
- Rejected By
- Rejected Date/Time
- Resolved
Filter | Description |
Worker | Enter the name of the worker(s) whose data is included in the report. This field is set to 'All' by default. |
Manager Delegate | If the report is being run by the client manager delegate, then the delegate can select additional client manager delegate assigned by the delegating client manager. |
Group By | Select how to group the report output, by worker, by requisition, or no grouping (None). The default setting for this field is None. |