Total Spend Summary Report
This report produces an overview of spend by summary.
This report produces the following output columns (describes by summary type):
Department (Total Spend Type='Department')
- Department
- Supplier Name
- Category
- Line #
- Gross Billing
- Volume Discount
- Prompt Pay Amount
- Savings
- PrO Fee
- Total Cost
- Sub Total
Supplier (Total Spend Type='Supplier')
- Supplier Name
- Category
- Line #
- Gross Billing
- Volume Discount
- Prompt Pay Amount
- Savings
- PrO Fee
- Total Cost
- Sub Total - Subtotal amount by each unique supplier/vendor.
Category (Total Spend Type='Category')
- Category
- Supplier
- Line #
- Gross Billing
- Volume Discount
- Prompt Pay Amount
- Savings
- PrO Fee
- Total Cost
- Sub Total - subtotal amount by each unique category.
Summary (Total Spend Type='Summary')
- Manager - Displays manager's name if report is run by client manager delegate.
- Worker
- Requisition #
- Supplier
- Location
- Rate Application
- Bill Rate
- Line #
- Earnings End Date
- Days
- Regular Hours
- OT Hours
- DT Hours
- Holiday Hours
- Expense
- Sales Tax
- Adjustment
- Volume Discount %
- Volume Discount Amount
- Prompt Pay %
- Prompt Pay Amount
- MSP Up %
- MSP Up Amount
- Invoice #
- Total Bill
Filter | Description |
Total Spend Type | Determines the report output. See the output sections above. |
Division | Filter the report output by a configured division. This field is set to 'All' by default. |
Cost Center | Filter the report output by a configured cost center. This field is set to 'All' by default. |
Location | Filter the report output by configured client organization work location. This field is set to 'All' by default. |
Invoice | Select the invoice to filter by. This field is set to 'All' by default. |
Date Type | Use the drop down to configure a date range type to filter by. You
can filter by:
This setting is used in conjunction with From date and To date fields. You specify a date range based on the end date type. |
From date | Enter the beginning date for the date range. You can also click the calendar icon to open a calendar pop up that allows you to select the date. |
To date | Enter the end date for the date range. You can also click the calendar icon to open a calendar pop up that allows you to select the date. |
Summarize by | From the drop down, select how to summarize the output columns in the report. |
Manager Delegate | If the report is being run by the client manager delegate, then the delegate can select additional client manager delegate assigned by the delegating client manager. |