Reject a Candidate

You can reject a submitted candidate to a request. You can complete this task on the Candidate Profile page, when reviewing profile from the Review Talent Page, Home Page or the Request page. For more information about the Review Talent page, see Review Talent.
Rejecting a candidate automatically cancels any interview that are pending with that candidate.
You can also reject multiple candidates by selecting the candidate check boxes on a sub tab (Reviewing or Interviewing), and clicking .
  1. Click or .
  2. If you are accessing the candidate in the Review Talent page, first the candidate's name (blue text) to open the candidate profile. If you are accessing the candidate in the Requests page, first select the request, and then click Candidates tab.
  3. At the bottom of the candidate profile, click .
    You can also reject a candidate from the summary view in the Review Talent page.
  4. In the pop up, enter a text reason for the rejection. This step is required.

    If the client organization is using custom rejection reasons, then a drop down appears in this pop up. Select a reason from the drop down, and/or enter text.

  5. Click .