Closing an Engagement

Engagement data is persisted in the system, and 'open' engagements remain in view until they are closed. Engagements are left open for a multitude of business reasons, including future extensions (revisions) for workers while approvals are pending. When closing an engagement, you assign a status reason, giving more granular information (see Closed Status Reasons).

Leaving an engagement open preserves the data integrity of the original engagement. In the case where an extension is made, all of the same data is used, and the extension does not affect the timecard/billing workflow.

Payroll and staffing engagements can be closed manually. This sets the actual end date on the engagement. Closed engagements are available in reporting. For more information on closing engagements, see Manually Close an Engagement. A client organization can also be configured to allow the system to automatically close engagements based on the estimated end date. For more information about these settings, see Closed Status Reasons.
You can use the Bulk Upload function to close engagements. This function uses a template file to close one to many engagement records. For more information on this workflow, see Bulk Upload.
If you are using project engagements with child project worker engagements, you must first close the child worker engagements before you use Bulk Upload to close project engagements.
You cannot use Bulk Update to close multiple engagements.

Surveys can be sent from closed engagements by clicking . You can locate the closed engagement by using the each functionality. For more information about searching for engagements, see Search Function.

Request/engagement data can be reused. Reusing an engagement reuses the request data configured for the filled engagement. For more information about reusing engagement data, see Reusing an Engagement.
You can modify a staffing engagement's Actual End Date field after the engagement is in the 'Closed' status. Clicking Edit for the Schedule section makes the field editable. When the engagement is closed using any method, the Actual End Date field defaults to the date that the close action was applied.