User Roles

Users roles determine what information is displayed in the user view. MSPs that are assigned to the client organization have permission to access the client manager's user information and add/remove roles.

For a client user, you can add the following roles:
  • Approver - This role allows you to route approvals to a user. Approvals appear on the Approvals tab.
    This is different than the actions that are performed on the Approvals tab of the Requisition/Engagement. This tab is used to configure an approval.
    This role does not apply to approving time cards submitted by workers. For more information about approval routing, see Approval Routing Configuration.
  • BYOK Admin - This role allows a client manager to access the BYOK feature's admin controls. Users with this role appear in the Users with BYOK admin role table (Configuration > Security > BYOK). See Bring Your Own Key Encryption.
  • Report Admin - This role is used to run reports across departments that they are assigned to in a client organization. This role can view requisition and engagement information.
    This user role can create requisitions for assigned departments.
  • Standard - This role can view/edit requisitions and engagements if they have permission, or are assigned to as a delegate.

Any of these roles can be assigned to an existing client manager in the Configuration section of the user's account information (Configuration > User tab > <user_name> > Configuration section > Additional Views field).