Billing Advanced Search Options

This table describes the advanced search options for the billing category.
Option Description
Engagement # Filter by engagement number.
Invoice ID Filter by invoice identifier.
Supplier Inv#Filter by supplier invoice number.
SupplierFilter by supplier name.
Client Inv# Filter by client invoice number.
DepartmentFilter by the department. Enter the department name.
Inv OptionFilter by a configured invoice option. From the drop down, select the option.

To filter by more than one option, hold the shift key and click all of the visible options that apply.

ManagerFilter by the client manager's name.
Approver Filter by an approver's name.
WorkerFilter by the worker name.

Enter text in the field for the worker's name. The application suggests workers associated with the client organization.

Job TitleFilter by the job title. Enter the job title.
Date Range Filter by a date range. From the drop down, select from the following:
  • Date Created
  • Earnings End Date

If you make a selection, you can enter a date range using the From and To, although this input is not required for the filter.

Op UnitFilter by the operational unit in the client organization.
TypeFilter by the requisition/engagement type. Using the check boxes, select one or many types for the filters.
StatusFilter by the status. Using the check boxes, select one or many statuses for the filter.
MSP Research Filters the search by billing items that are flagged as 'research'. Items that have this flag configured do not get included in the invoicing or payroll export. See Modify Pending Approval Billing Item.
This filter returns items where either or both flags were applied.
Supplier Research Filters for items that have been flagged as 'research' buy suppliers.