Engagement Advanced Search Options

This table describes the advanced search options for the engagement category.
Option Description
WorkerFilter by the worker name.

Enter text in the field for the worker's name. The application suggests workers associated with the client organization.

Job TitleFilter by the job title. Enter the job title.
Supplier Filter by the supplier name.
State/ProvinceFilter by the state/province. Only configured client locations appear in the drop down.
City/TownFilter by the city/town. The options in the drop down depend on the selection in the State/Province drop down.
MSP ContactFilter by the MSPs associated with the client organization.
ManagerFilter by the client manager's name.
DepartmentFilter by the department. Enter the department name.
Date Range Filter by a date range. From the drop down, select from the following:
  • Date Created
  • Date Filled
  • Date Closed
  • Date Started
  • Date End

If you make a selection, you can enter a date range using the From and To, although this input is not required for the filter.

Op UnitFilter by the operational unit in the client organization.
Custom FieldsFilter by configured custom fields.

Available custom field definitions depend on the operational unit (OpUnit). If the client organization has OpUnits configured with OpUnit level custom fields, select the OpUnit first.

This option must be enabled at the client organization level to display in the Advanced Search. See Client Settings.

StatusFilter by the status. Using the check boxes, select one or many statuses for the filter.
TypeFilter by the requisition/engagement type. Using the check boxes, select one or many types for the filters.
Status ReasonFilter by the status reason. You can only select one reason for each search.
PO# Filter by a purchase order number.