Worker Advanced Search Options

This table describes the advanced search options for the worker category.
Option Description
Name Filter by the worker's name. This field is free text entry.
GUID Filter by the GUID assigned to the worker's user record.
Worker # Filter by the worker's number.
User Name Filter by the user name assigned to the worker's user record.
Nickname Filter by the worker's nickname.
Email Filter by the worker's email.
SupplierFilter by supplier name.
Create Date Filter by the date that the worker record was created.
Last Modified Filter by the date that the worker record was last modified.
Type Filter by the worker type. These options further control displayed advanced search options.
You can additionally select as many dimensional filters as applicable. These filters are statuses or notes attached to the worker record. Using the check boxes, select from the following:
  • DNU - 'Do Not Return' specified on the worker record.
  • Active User Account - If the workers user account is set to active or not.
  • Resume Submitted to Client - If the worker has a resume submitted to a client or not.
  • Contractor Manager - If the user is a manager of a project.
You can select one or many of the dimensional filters.
Applicant Status If you select 'Applicant' in the Type filter, you can filter by one of the following:
  • New
  • Reviewed
  • Screened
  • Qualified
  • Not Qualified
  • Rejected
Payrollee Status If you select 'Potential Payrollee' in the Type filter, you can filter by one of the following:
  • New
  • Reviewed
  • Screened
  • Qualified
  • Not Qualified
  • Rejected
Onboarding Status If you select 'Supplier Applicant', 'Applicant', 'Worker' in the Type filter, you can filter by one of the following:
  • Pending
  • Complete
State/ProvinceFilter by the state/province. Only configured client locations appear in the drop down.
City/TownFilter by the city/town. The options in the drop down depend on the selection in the State/Province drop down.
Applicant Portal Job Category If you select 'Applicant' in the Type filter, you can filter by one of the configured categories.
Applicant Portal Job Title If you select 'Applicant' in the Type filter, you can filter by one of the configured job titles.
Applicant Portal Years of Experience If you select 'Applicant' in the Type filter, you can filter by the number of years of experience for a configured skill.
Applicant Portal Skills If you select 'Applicant' in the Type filter, you can filter by a skill.

To locate a skill, enter free text to activate the auto-fill search. Once you locate a skill, click the text and then click . You can add as many skills for the search as applicable. To remove a skill, select it from the text box and click .

Custom Fields Filter by worker custom fields. From the drop down, select the custom field and enter the value in the text field. For more information about worker custom fields, see Custom Fields Options by Workflow.
Engagement Job Category If you select 'Supplier Applicant' or 'Worker' in the Type filter, you can filter by the configured engagement job category.
Keyword If you select 'Supplier Applicant' or 'Worker' in the Type filter, you can filter by keywords.
Active status flags You can filter by account status, that is, settings on the worker resume record. Filter by the following:
  • DNU - Filter by workers with the 'DNU' setting active on their user account.
    This filter assumes that the search is within the current MSP organization. For example, a worker might be marked 'DNU' in your MSP organization, but not in another MSP organization, and the filter does not return the worker in the search results.
  • Active User Account
  • Resume Submitted to Client
  • Contractor Manager - User has the 'Contractor Manager' role assigned to their user account.