Request Status

Refer to the following information for details about statuses assigned to requests. You can also refer to Engagement Status.
Approval Routing configuration affects the request workflow. See Approval Routing Configuration.
Status Notes Status Description
Draft Saved before submission or confirmation prior to approvals and/or filling request.

If Approval Routing is enabled, after submission, set to 'Pending - Pending Request Approval'.

Draft - <saved_date>
Pending - Pending Request Approval If Approval Routing is enabled, after submission, set to this status.

If approved, set to 'Pending - Pending Sourcing'

Request Approval - Pending
Cancelled - Failed Request Approval If Approval Routing is enabled, and request is rejected, set to this status (end of workflow). Request no longer appears
Pending - Pending Sourcing If Approval Routing is enabled, and request is approved, set to this status.

If Approval Routing is disabled, and the request is submitted, set to this status.

Sourcing - Sent to suppliers
  • Staffing - If MSP clicks 'MSP Pass' for one candidate on the request, then display 'Sourcing - Resume Review'.
  • Staffing - If MSP or client manager requests an interview with the candidate/s, then display 'Sourcing - Interviewing'.
  • Project - After quote submission, display 'Sourcing - Quote Review'
    The quote on the Sourcing tab displays 'Pending - Pending Client'.
Pending - Awaiting Duplicate Worker Validation Pending Sourcing If the Duplicate Worker Check feature is enabled, set to this status. Sourcing - Pending Supplier Set-up

When a request is closed, the corresponding engagement is created. See Engagement Status.

Staffing - When MSP clicks (assign candidate), set to this status.

Project - When MSP or Manager accepts a quote, set to this status.

For guidance on which reason to select when closing a request, see Closed Status Reasons.
Request no longer appears
Cancelled When the MSP changes the status to 'Cancelled', set to this status. Request no longer appears
On Hold When the MSP changes the status to 'On Hold, set to this status. Hold - <save_date>