Custom Fields Options by Workflow

This table describes the custom fields options available, depending on the workflow type. The Field Name and the Display Name are required inputs for all custom fields.
These fields appear on in the specific view, applicable to the workflow type that you select. For example, a Billing custom field appears in the Financials information in the Manager view.
All fields require you to configure some validation for the input. For more information about the validation for custom fields, see Custom Fields Validations.
Workflow Options
You can select additional logic for this custom field type.
Adds custom fields to the Billing section. The Billing custom field type can be configured at the client or OpUnit level.

If you are allocating time to a specific value, configure the custom field, and enable it in this section. For example, if your requirement is to allocate time entered to a specific department, you define the department list as a billing custom field. The list then appears on the worker's time card. For more information about time card types, see Time Card Types.

For a billing custom field, you can configure the following:
  • Allow MSP to set Default Value - Select the check box to allow an MSP user to set the default value that is inserted into the billing line. The default value is set on the Allocation Value List (Allocation tab). For more information about configuring default values, see Cost Allocation at the Engagement Level.
    The default value is visible to client managers, but not editable.
  • Allow Null Info - Allows the field to be saved without a value. Using the check boxes, you can select Time, Expense, Adjustment, Benefit, or any combination of options. Not selecting any options requires you to add a value to the field before you save.
  • Default Billing Info - Allows you to allocate costs through an appropriate billing structure. For more information about setting up these fields, see Default Billing Information.
Requisition Adds editable custom fields to a Requests section. The Requisition custom field type can be configured at the client or OpUnit level.

If a request is reused, the values entered or selected for the request custom fields are copied over to the new request. You can enable or disable this functionality by Delete previous value when reusing a Request / Engagement setting. The default setting is 'F' (copy values over to the new request).

For a custom field, you can configure the following:
  • Section - From the drop down, select the section of the request that the field appears on.
    The Additional Info section for staffing requests can be disabled in the Manager view. If so, your configured request custom fields do not appear. For more information about this setting, see Manager Settings.
    If you configure a custom field for multiple request types including Project Worker requests, the custom field appears in the configured section, but only in the Default section of the Project Worker request. If you configure a custom field for both Project and Project Worker requests, the Project Worker custom field (in the Default section) inherits the values from the Project request. You can edit the inherited values at the Project Worker level.
    Refer to the following for a mapping of the fields to view section.
    • Default - Field appears on the Additional Info page for the client manager and the Custom Fields section for the MSP.
    • Position Details - Field appears on the Position Details page for the client manager and the Position Details section for the MSP.
    • Project Details - Field appears on the Position Details page for the client manager and the Position Details section for the MSP.
    • Job Details - Field appears on the Job Description and Worker page for the client manager and under the Education field for the MSP.
    • Financials - Field appears on the Position Details page for the client manager and the Financials section for the MSP.
    • Sourcing - Field appears on the Job Description and Worker page for the client manager and the Details tab for the MSP.
    • Contact Information - Field appears on the Additional Info page for the client manager and the Email Alerts section for the MSP.
    • Job Information - Field appears on the Job Description and Worker page for the client manager and above the Skills field for the MSP.
    • Change Status - Field appears on the pop up when changing a status for an engagement.
    • Project Worker Details - Field appears in the Custom Fields section of the project worker Details tab.
  • Visible in Views - Select the view where the field appears. You can select one or multiple views.
  • Visible in Requisition Type - Select the request type that the custom field appears on. Using the check boxes, you can select Direct Hire, Managed Services, Project, Staffing (this option includes the Payroll request type), Project Worker, and View only in Client UI, or any combination of options. Options display based on the request types that are enabled for a client organization.
  • Allow Null Info - Allows the field to be saved without a value.
  • Follow On Question - Select to make the custom field follow up information for another field. Configure the Follow Up for Question (questions that triggers the follow up) and Follow Up for Response (answer that triggers the follow up). The field must be available for a request type for both the original field and the follow up question field. You can configure the follow up question for multiple responses from the linked follow up question. To add multiple responses, select the values from the drop down, or use the search field to locate the values to add.
  • Invoice Grouping - Enable this setting to allow bills on an invoice to be grouped using the engagement custom field value. See Invoice Grouping Rules.
Supplier Adds a custom field to the Supplier view. For a custom field, you can configure the following:
  • Section - From the drop down, select the section that the field appears on.
  • Allow Null Info - Allows the field to be saved without a value.
If you set up a custom field for a manager, you can map this field to an Approver field. For more information about this mapping, see Add a Routing for a Workflow.
Adds a custom field to the Manager view. For a custom field, you can configure the following:
  • Allow Null Info - Allows the field to be saved without a value.
Worker Adds a custom field to the Worker record. For a custom field, you can configure the following:
  • Display Page - From the drop down, select the page to display the custom field on. Select Resume Page or Talent Network Profile. If you select Resume Page, select the section of the page to display the field on. Also select if you want the field to Display in Client User View. If you select Talent Network Profile, the field only displays on the Candidate Header. This option also displays the Editable in Views selections, MSP, and Worker.
  • Follow On Question - Select to make the custom field follow up information for another field. Configure the Follow Up for Question (questions that triggers the follow up) and Follow Up for Response (answer that triggers the follow up). The field must be available for a request type for both the original field and the follow up question field. You can configure the follow up question for multiple responses from the linked follow up question. To add multiple responses, select the values from the drop down, or use the search field to locate the values to add.
  • Display on Worker Home in Time & Expense bin - Adds the custom field data to the engagement information when a worker adds time or expenses to an engagement. The data displays on the engagement selection page.
  • Display on Managed Services Engagements - If selected, the custom field is added to the Supplier and MSP views in the Engagement Details. See Add Worker to Worker Grid.
Department Adds a custom field to a department record. For a custom field, you can configure the following:
  • Allow Null Info - Allows the field to be saved without a value.
  • Visible in Views - MSP or Manager. Setting this field to visible for managers allows it to be reportable.
Supplier Invoice Payment Adds a custom field to an invoice. For a custom field, you can configure the following:
  • Allow Null Info - Allows the field to be saved without a value.