Document Status Filters

The following table describes the status filters you can apply on the Documents tab.
The table filter can apply to many document statuses.
Status Description
Displays all documents.
Displays documents that have a set expiration date prior to the current date, and currently expired documents.

You can filter the view in this table by setting a date range.

Clicking the Expiring Documents link in the Action Items table on the Home page opens this sub tab.

If a document is expiring (or has expired), you can upload a new version of the document by opening the document details, scrolling to the Document Management section, and clicking . The system retains the document version history on the document details page.

Displays documents with the following statuses:
  • Completed
  • Submitted - pending validation by the MSP organization
  • Validated
  • Acknowledged
Displays documents that are pending action
Displays documents that have been rejected.