Worker Page

The Worker page displays a list of all worker records configured for your supplier organization.

Use this page to manage worker records, submit workers for an engagement, or create a worker resume, which is used to submit worker information to a request. The information in a worker's record can be different than the information that is submitted to a request.

You can also configure a worker Talent Network profile, which can be added to a client organization's system database of workers that can be queried when searching for candidates for a position. The information included in the database are the worker's engagement/s, and the information for each of those engagements.

To access a worker's general system information, click the worker's name (blue text). The worker's GenInfo page opens.

You can edit the worker's information by clicking . You can also view change history by clicking . A pop up opens that displays changes to the information based on effective date.

To access the state of the information as of the effective date, click the blue text in the Effective Date List. In addition to the worker's general information, you can access the following tabs:
  • Profile
  • Resume
  • Worker LifeCycle
  • Requisition - Displays request/engagement information for the selected worker. Click the blue number text to access full details.
  • Billing - Displays billing information for the selected worker. Click the blue line number text to access full details. For more information about the full billing details, see Billing Item Detail.
  • Documentation - Any documents relevant to the worker. This information can include certifications not required for an engagement.