Set Up a User API Key

You must generate an API key in order to authenticate and use the RaaS feature. Refer the 'Magnit RaaS API Document' for key use requirements. The API key is generated and stored for your user account (current user logged in). If you have multiple accounts, then you must generate a separate key for each of your accounts, even if your accounts are linked.

If your client organization uses basic authorization (username and password), you can only copy the key and secrecy value upon key generation. Other login methods (for example, single sign on) do not have this requirement. After saving the value, basic auth users can only retrieve the key and secrecy values by clicking View. A 6-digit code is sent to the email address linked to your user account. You must enter the code in the popup to retrieve your key and secrecy value.

API keys are generated with an expiration date. This date cannot be removed. After expiration, a new key must be manually generated. A key can be inactivated at any time by clicking Inactivate. If a key is inactivated, a new key must be manually generated.

  1. Navigate to the Home page in the Manager view.
  2. Click User Account > User Profile.
  3. In the left menu, click RaaS API Keys.
    The table is empty the first time that you generate a key. After you generate the first key, the key information is stored in the Your Credentials table. Inactive and expired key information appears in the Audit Log table.
    You generate a new key at any time.
  4. Click .
    You can copy the value upon generation by clicking . Once you click , you must retrieve the value using the security code method (click View).