Job Details

These fields appear in the Job Details section for a payroll request.
Note: A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
Field Description
Job Category From the drop down, select the job category. Categories are defined at the client organization or OpUnit level (Configuration > Requisition > Job Categories).
Sub Category From the drop down, select the subcategory for the request. If you have not configured subcategories, this field is hidden.
Job Title From the drop down, select the job title. The options for this field depend on the selection that you make in the Job Category field.

Titles are defined at the OpUnit level (Configuration > MRM > Job Titles).

Job Code The job code automatically populates based on the selection that you make in the Job Title field. Job codes are defined in the job title definition.
Job Description The description configured for the job.
Attachments Click to upload additional files relevant to the request.
Duties Displays the defined job duties for the job title.
Note: This information is defined outside of the request record, and might not be required for request submission, depending on the client organization configuration. Once you modify it, the changes are reflected on the request record only.
If you have editing permissions, you can modify these values.
Note: You can use the styling palette to format the text.
Education Displays the defined educational requirements for the job title.
Note: This information is defined outside of the request record, and might not be required for request submission, depending on the client organization configuration. Once you modify it, the changes are reflected on the request record only.
If you have editing permissions, you can modify these values.
Note: You can use the styling palette to format the text.
Skills Add required skills to the request record. Skills are parsed from the automatically-populated skills in the job title definition.
If you have editing permissions, you can modify these values.
Note: You can use the styling palette to format the text.