General Info

These fields appear on the General Info page for an MSP organization.
Section Description
<organization> Contains organizational information. This information is created when the MSP organization is created, and cannot be modified.
Address (Corporate) Contains organizational address information. This information is created when the MSP organization is created, and cannot be modified.
Legal Entity Contains a list of legal entities that are used to when calculating VAT taxes. For more information about adding a legal entity for the MSP organization, see Add Legal Entity.

Legal entities are not required for an MSP organization, however, at least one legal entity must exist in order for the system to calculate VAT tax for the MSP organization, and the Tax Calculation Method is 'Wand' or 'Manual'.

After setting up a legal entity for the MSP organization, you can configure the entity name to be used for VAT tax (where VAT is taxed) at the country and state/province level. See Add MSP Taxable Entity.

Configuration Contains the following settings:
  • Enable Search View for MSP Users - Enables a quick search for MSP users in the organization.

  • Magnit Affiliated MSP - Specifies that the organization using the application is affiliated with Magnit Global, or not affiliated. Magnit affiliation includes using Magnit Global's ERP.
  • Magnit Providing Billing Services - Only displays for non-Magnit affiliated MSP organizations. Enable this setting to allow a non-Magnit affiliated MSP organization to use the application's billing and invoicing functionality.
  • Magnit Paying Suppliers - Only displays for non-Magnit affiliated MSP organizations. Enable this setting to allow a non-PRO affiliated MSP organization to use the application's payment services.
  • Allow Discovery Access - Grants MSP and client manager users within the MSP organization to use the Discovery dashboard platform within the Reporting feature.
Clients Tile display of all clients managed by the organization. Clicking each tile navigates to the client configuration. For more information about the client configuration, see Client Configuration.