Customizable Invoice Templates

Customizable invoice templates are used to preconfigure an invoice file that is generated when a batch invoice is run. Files are output in .pdf format, and can be configured to satisfy, for example, tax compliance requirements for invoices for a client country.

The customization user interface provides a visual template where you can add images for branding and other purposes. Tabular formatting and static elements can be added. You can also add variables and labels to insert billing values into the invoice file during generation. These variables include both values from the bills themselves and client and supplier information. The file is available for preview in template form and after the invoice is generated and has values populated. For more information about the WISYWIG editor, see Create an Invoice Template.

You can also configure the file name with variables to automatically generate and format with required information. Once the file is generated, you can click the invoice name link on the Billing page to download the file for remittance. You can also regenerate an invoice PDF document. See Invoice Template Actions.

Templates are configured for a client organization at the country level, however, they must be manually added at the invoice option level or the batch invoice process level to be used.