Financials - Piece Rate

These fields appear in the Financials section of a payroll request when Piece Rate is clicked.
Note: You can add a piece rate to an active engagement, or deactivate a previously added piece rate for an active engagement.
Field Description
Units of Work From the drop down, select the unit of work (piece type). For more information about setting up piece pay, see Modify the Piece Type Configuration.
Bill Rate Enter the bill rate for the piece type.

If the average rate is defined for the piece type, this field is automatically populated. You can modify the field as needed.

If you modify this field, the Pay Rate field automatically is calculated based on any fees that are configured.

Pay Rate Enter the pay rate for the piece type.

If the average rate is defined for the piece type, this field is automatically populated. You can modify the field as needed. This field is not automatically populated if there are no mark ups or fees configured for the client organization.

If you modify this field, the Bill Rate field automatically is calculated based on any fees that are configured.

Units Per Day Enter the estimated number of pieces that a worker completes a day.