Configure Payroll Engagement Payroll Data

This task is only relevant for payroll supplier users where a supplier/vendor is assigned to a non-PRO affiliated MSP organization.
In order to access this information in the supplier view, the following is required:
  • Payroll request type enabled (Configuration > Settings > Configuration > Enable Requisition Types)
  • Magnit Global Affiliated MSP not active (Configuration > MSP tab > General Info > Configuration section)
  • Active supplier contract for the Payroll request type (Configuration > Supplier tab > Contracts)

A system administrator role is required to modify some of these configurations. Please contact your program representative for more information.

After you assign a payroll worker to a payroll request, configure the engagement payroll data. Engagement financials must be set up prior to modifying these values. You must also have 'Payroll Processing' permission to edit engagements.
Only the user that created the request can edit the engagement information.
Supplier users can only edit the FSLA Classification and the tax rates for a payroll engagement.
If a client organization is using approval routing, editing any payroll information restarts the approval routing.
  1. Navigate to the Requisitions page in the Supplier view.
  2. Enter the engagement number or locate the engagement using the search functionality.
  3. Click the engagement number (blue text).
  4. on the General Info page, scroll to the Payroll Data section.
  5. Click in the section header.
  6. From the Office # select the office number. The Pay Group field automatically populates.
  7. From the Client Number drop down, select the client number.
  8. Enter an Effective Date.
  9. Click .
  10. Click .