Client and Supplier Configuration

Detailed information on configuration options

The basic required information for the application is the client organization information. All other configurations are tied to this information. Most of the information that is configured for a client is based on the information in the client information, including the client country configuration, locations configured for the client, and supplier information tied to the locations. All data relationships are based on this configuration.

Configurations are the logic definitions for a client organization. These configurations determine how billing is processed, define the data that the application uses to drive the workflow that you set up, and set the views that users use to conduct business processes in the application. The client organization is configured separately from the supplier (vendor) or the MSP. For more information about setting up users, see Users and Permissions.

An MSP can be assigned to multiple client organizations. In this case, when performing any task that an MSP is responsible for in the application, the MSP must select the appropriate client organization first. Use the Client drop down next to your user name to select the appropriate client.

If there are multiple client organizations associated to an MSP user, select 'All Clients'. This displays all client organizations managed by the MSP.