Compliance Listing Report

This report produces information on completed business validation screenings with optional detail information on documentation and screening data.
This report produces the following columns:
  • Supplier
  • Supplier #
  • Supplier Address 1
  • Supplier Address 2
  • Supplier City
  • Supplier State
  • Supplier Postal Code
  • Supplier Country
  • Business Structure
  • Business Validation Contact
  • Income YTD
  • Income Last Yr
  • General Evaluation section
    • GE Status
    • GE Status Reason
    • GE Result
    • GE Evaluation Frequency
    • GE Renewal Date
    • GE Value
    • GE Qualification
    • GE Qualification Reason
    • GE Waived Reason
    • GE Date Finalized
    • GE Finalized By
  • Escalation List section - Repeated per unique escalation.
    • Escalation Item
    • Escalation Contact
    • Date Escalated
    • Date Resolved
    • Escalation Note
  • Detailed Evaluation section
    • DE Requisition #
    • DE Manager
    • DE Mgr Email
    • DE Dept #
    • DE Dept Name
    • DE Date Created
    • DE Date Filled
    • DE Evaluation Description
    • DE Initiation Date
    • DE Status
    • DE Status Reason
    • DE Recommendation Reason
    • DE Initial Recommendation
    • DE Date Initial Recommendation
    • DE Date Revised Recommendation
    • DE Final Recommendation
    • DE Client Result
    • DE Transferred to Payroll
    • DE Date Finalized
    • DE Finalized By
    • DE Estimated Project Cost
    • Budgeted Amount
  • Escalation List - Repeated per unique escalation
    • Escalation Item
    • Escalation Contact
    • Date Escalated
    • Date Resolved
    • Escalation Note
  • Requisition Custom Fields
Filter Description
Evaluation Status Filter the report output by an assigned evaluation status. This field is set to 'All' by default.
Evaluation Result Filter the report output by an assigned evaluation result. This field is set to 'All' by default.
Show General Evaluation Select the check box to include the evaluation in the report output.
Show Detailed Evaluation Select the check box to include the detailed evaluation in the report output.
Show Escalation List Select the check box to include the escalation list items from the General Evaluation Detail Evaluation sections.
Include Requisition Custom Fields Select the check box to include the Requisition type custom fields in the report output. For more information about custom fields, see Custom Fields Options by Workflow.
Date Type Configure a range to search under according to an event. You can select from the following:
  • Requisition Created
  • Requisition Filled
  • Screening Completed
  • None - All events.
From dateEnter the beginning date for the date range. You can also click the calendar icon to open a calendar pop up that allows you to select the date.
To dateEnter the end date for the date range. You can also click the calendar icon to open a calendar pop up that allows you to select the date.
Select ColumnsSelect the columns to include in the report.