Job Description Upload

Each Staffing request uses job description inputs (as defined in the job title). You can update any automatically populated duties, skills, and education fields by uploading a descriptor file.
Note: To complete this task, you must have the correct editing permissions as well as have either the Talent Network feature, or the Candidate Match feature enabled for the client organization.

If you upload a job description file, the file is sent with the request to the supplier, and not the configured duties, skills, and education. The file is available for download when the supplier views the request details. If you add duties, skills, and education while creating a request, those additional definitions are included with the configured duties, skills, and education.

  1. Complete steps 1 - 3 as described in Create a Staffing Request for a Worker.
  2. After selecting the job title, click .
  3. Configure the required sections for the request.
  4. Click .
  5. Confirm the request details.
  6. Click .