Project Worker CLOSE Template

The fields described in this reference information must appear in an upload file in the order listed here. The header value also must match the field names in this reference information. If not, you receive an error.

You can download this template by clicking here.

Field Format Required? Notes/Description
Engagement ID Number Yes Enter the engagement number of the project worker.
Parent Project ID Number Yes Enter the parent engagement number of the project worker.
Worker GUID Alphanumeric No Enter the value if the worker has a client-assigned worker identifier. If not, leave this field blank.
If multiple worker records exist with the same GUID, you receive an error. You must log into the application and change the worker GUID (Worker > Account Information > GUID).
Worker First Name Alphanumeric Yes Enter the worker's first name.
Worker Last Name Alphanumeric Yes Enter the worker's last name.
Actual End Date MM/DD/YYYY Yes Enter the actual end date.
Closed Status Reason Alphanumeric Yes This field is validated against a list of existing closed reasons.
Custom Field1 (1-n) Alphanumeric
Field input must conform to the input format defined for the custom field.
Yes (conditional)

If custom fields are mapped in the process configuration, then one column must be configured for each mapped field. In the input file the column names remain 'Custom Field<field_number>'.

Enter custom field values in the order that you define them in bulk upload interface. For more information about this process, see Use Bulk Upload.
If you have a custom fields set to require values (Configuration > Settings > Custom Fields > <field_type> > <field_name> > Allow Null Info), then the field must contain a value in the upload file.